Photo Credit: Astrid Duenkelmann, MPIfG

Chase Foster, PhD
My research is in comparative and international political economy, with a focus on the politics of market regulation in Europe and North America.
My interests include the relationship between competition law and the organization of capitalism; the politics of globalized regulatory enforcement; and the political economy of industrial policy.
I am currently a Lecturer in Politics at King's College London.
Research Interests
My research falls into three main areas:
1. The Political Economy of Competition Law
I am writing a book that examines the causes and consequences of the Atlantic Divide in Antitrust from the 19th century until the present. I have published work on competition law and varieties of capitalism, courts and competition paradigms, bureaucratic discretion and social learning, and the politics of policy implementation in the European Union. I am currently investigating the politics of globalized enforcement and the interrelationship between competition law and the organization of capitalism in the longue durée.
2. European Politics and Public Policy
I have published articles that examine the effects of the Euro-crisis on public trust in government, the economic determinants of public support for integration, and the politics of European financial regulatory reform. In a working paper, I analyse the relationship between labor market reform and support for European populist parties.
3. The Comparative Politics of Industrial Policy
With a collaborator, I have received an external grant to support the development of a new project on the comparative politics of business investment subsidies. In a working paper we develop an original typology to classify the diverse socio-economic logics underpinning subsidy programs. In November 2023, we presented our initial findings at the "New Thinking in Industrial, Innovation & Technology Policy," held at Columbia University.
“Coordination Rights, Competition Law and Varieties of Capitalism” (with Kathleen Thelen). Forthcoming in Comparative Political Studies. Pre-print version here.
Brandeis in Brussels?: Bureaucratic Discretion, Social Learning and the Development of Regulated Competition in the European Union” (with Kathleen Thelen). Regulation & Governance. Publisher's version.
"Legalism without Adversarialism: Public and Private Enforcement in the European Union,” Regulation & Governance 18: 53-72. Publisher's version.
“Varieties of Neoliberalism: Courts, Competition Paradigms and the Atlantic Divide in Antitrust.” 2022. Socio-Economic Review 20(4): 1653-1678. Publisher's version.
“Crisis of Trust: Socio-Economic Determinants of Europeans’ Confidence in Government,” (with Jeffry Frieden). 2017. European Union Politics 18(4): 511-535. Publisher's version.
“Economic Determinants of Public Support for European Integration, 1995-2018” (with Jeffry Frieden). European Union Politics 22(2): 266-292. Publisher's version.
“The Protectionist Politics of Globalized Regulatory Enforcement: Evidence from Cartel Prosecutions Involving Foreign Firms” [Under Review]. Preliminary draft.