Photo Credit: Astrid Duenkelmann, MPIfG
I have experience teaching courses in political science, political economy, public policy, public administration, and democratic theory at Harvard University, the London School of Economics, Brown University, and the Technical University of Munich.
My teaching has been recognized with teaching awards at Harvard and the LSE. I have also received consistently high evaluations from students, including the highest possible evaluations (5.0/5.0 from all students) in seminars I led at Harvard and Brown and an average of 4.6/5.0 for the three courses I co-taught at the London School of Economics.
Courses taught from 2018-2023:
"Competition Law & Policy in Comparative & International Perspective,” Graduate seminar that analyzes the historical development of state market regulation in comparative and historical perspective. Weeks on Europe, North America, China, India and Africa. In exploring how state institutions have sought to address competition questions across different contexts, students gain a theoretical and empirical understanding of the institutional foundations of market capitalism.
"Technology Governance & the Regulatory State" (Hochschule fur Politik at TUM, Summer 2021). Designed and taught a Master's seminar on the politics of regulating Big Tech with a focus on approaches developed in the European Union, United States and China. Topics include antitrust, labor rights, data privacy and ownership, the 'sharing' economy, journalism, and democracy. (Evaluation: 1.0 on 1-5 scale). See syllabus here.
“States & Markets” (Brown, Spring 2020 and 2021; TUM, Spring 2022 and 2023). Designed and convened an undergraduate seminar that uses a Polanyian framework to critically examine the interaction of politics and economics in Europe and North America over the past century. Topics include Keynesianism, the welfare state, market liberalization, inequality, political populism, financial crises, and climate change (Evaluation: 5.0/5.0 across all categories).
“The Politics of Policy Advice” (LSE, Spring 2019). Led a discussion section in a Master’s level course that critically examines the role of economists, scientists, lawyers, and other experts in the policymaking process, and assesses how various forms of evidence are used to inform and justify policy decisions (Evaluation 4.2/5.0).
“Law and Politics of Regulation” (LSE, 2018-2019). Co-taught with faculty from Law, Economics, and Public Administration a Master’s-level seminar that provides interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives on business regulation, with a focus on Europe. Subjects examined include theories of regulation; market-based techniques of regulation; cost-benefit analysis; regulatory competition; and regulatory democracy (Evaluation: 4.7/5.0).
“Public Management Theory and Doctrine” (LSE, Fall 2018). Served as one of two lecturers in a required Master’s-level course that introduces the interdisciplinary field of public management. Topics include public management theory; organizational change; street-level bureaucrats; transparency; bureaucratic learning; and risk and crisis management (Evaluation: 4.8/5.0).

Watson Institute for International & Public Affairs
Brown University
111 Thayer St.
Providence, RI 02912
©2021 by Chase Foster.